Barbara Weeks lives in Busselton, Western Australia and works primarily with Australian Merino wool and fine silks. She creates surface design and depth of colour and texture through wax resist, painting, and wool lamination. Barbara’s art cloth is delightfully light and soft, appears delicate, but is strong and resilient.
A soft movement beneath my feet, a vulnerability, but the cracked surface holds and I venture forth. Lake Ballard, no power, no signal, remoteness rewarded in this magical place.
Underfoot, Lake Ballard (40x40cm) Barbara Weeks
See more artwork by Barbara at:
- Website:
- Instagram:@barbaraweeks1785

AW9 Preview is a series of daily blog posts from 4 October to 8 November 2024 that will feature an artist and preview their artwork from the Ozquilt Network members’ exhibition Australia Wide Nine. The exhibition will premiere at Fabrik Arts and Heritage Art Gallery, Lobethal, South Australia from 8 November to 8 December 2024 and continue on tour until September 2026. Please direct any exhibition queries to
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