Art Quilt Australia 2017 is a juried exhibition open to textile artists resident in Australia and New Zealandand OZQN members worldwide. It was on display at:
- Queen Victoria Art Gallery 9 September – 22 October 2017
- Yarra Ranges Regional Museum 10 February 2018 to Sunday 15 April 2018
Art Quilt Australia 2017 includes the 2017 winners of the prestigious Expressions Wool Quilt Prize (sponsored by the National Wool Museum) and the OZQN Award of Excellence, valued at $3000 each.
- Expressions Wool Quilt Prize: Klimt Print #2 Suzanne Reid
- Highly Commended Expressions Wool Quilt Prize: Knit One Purl One #2 Jan Mullen
- OZQN Award of Excellence: Chinese Whispers Judy Hooworth
- Highly Commended: OZQN Award of Excellence: Overland Track Sandra Champion
- Highly Commended: OZQN Award of Excellence: Ode to Banksias #7 Susan Matthews

© 2016 Anna Brown
Price: NFS
Statement: Inspired by the beautiful eucalypts growing near my home, I have been studying the patterns which form when gazing through their canopies.
Materials: Cotton fabric and thread, synthetic batting.
Techniques: Raw edge reverse applique. Machine piecing and hand quilting.

©2017 Anna Brown
85.5cm H x 106cm W
Price: NFS
Statement: The canopy burns! The devastation of bushfire.
Materials: Wool top, wool blend backing. Wool quilting thread, cotton thread. Synthetic batt.
Techniques: Silkscreen printed, machine pieced and hand quilted.

©2017 June Brown
95cm H x 64cm W
Price: NFS
Statement: I love Australian Eucalyptus trees, I love their dominance across the country, I love the shape and smell of the leaves. Especially I am impressed with those trees which have glaucous type leaves and so readily transfer colour onto fabric.
Materials: Wool felt, fine woven wool. Variegated rayon thread.
Techniques: Eco dyeing of the felt using glaucous eucalyptus leaves from our garden. Free machine embroidery and decorative machine stitching.
Photographer: Cynthia Brown.

© 2016 Sandra Champion
196cm H x 190cm W
Price: $2500
Statement: Tasmania’s Overland Track is an iconic long distance walk through spectacular wilderness, and last summer our walk was superb. The Pelion Plains were covered in colourful wild flowers. In constrast, the Myrtle Beech Forest, where the trees are over 1000 years old, remained dark and mysterious.
Materials: Repurposed dressmakers pattern tissue paper, silks, fusible web, polyester batting, perle cotton and polyester threads, acrylic paints and mediums.
Techniques: Printed, painted and hand stitched tissue paper onto silk, manipulated and fused to make a paper textile, then cut and machine stitched to a foundation, machine quilted.
Photographer: Bruce Champion

©2016 Carolyn Collins
70cm H x 102cm W
Price: $700
Statement: Autumn Winds was inspired by the sight of the wind lifting and swirling maple leaves in our back garden and I tried to capture the feeling and atmosphere of that day.
Materials: Hand dyed fabric and batiks.
Techniques: Applique and reverse applique, machine stitching.

©2016 Carolyn Collins
80cm H x 80cm W
Price: NFS
Statement: The grevilleas growing in my garden are amazing flowers, a complex arrangement of beautiful shapes and subtle colour changes. Capturing their form and beauty in fabric is both a fascination and a challenge. This is the 9th piece in my grevillea series.
Materials: Hand dyed and printed fabrics, Neo Colour 11 crayons.
Techniques: Applique, reverse applique, shading, machine stitching.

©2017 Ruth de Vos
147cm H x 176cm W
Price: $3700
Statement: There’s not much that beats summer showers!
Materials: Fibre-reactive dye, fabric paint, cotton homespun, cotton linen blend.
Techniques: Hand-dyed, hand-painted, machine and hand-pieced, machine and handquilted.

©2016 Sue Dennis
152.5 cm H x 137 cm W
Price: $3900
Statement: Forces swirl and meld, energy surges forth and a cosmic wreath envelops us.
Materials: Cotton, fabric dye, textile ink, threads, batting.
Techniques: Hand dyed, hand printed with foliage as resist and direct prints, machine pieced machine quilted, hand stitched.
Photographer: Bob Dennis

©2017 Heidi Drahota
139cm H x 58cm W
Price: NFS
Statement: Looking for peace, be bewitched – I always find it in a rose garden. My work is a tribute to the rose and concurrently to the wool which I use for felting and as fabric for my Ecoprints. Because these techniques also bring me peace and enchant me.
Materials: Woollen and silk fabric, merino wool fibers, cotton, polyester yarns.
Techniques: Ecoprinting, wet felting, Nunofelting, cavernous felting, quilting by longarm.

© 2016 Dianne Firth
145cm H x 81cm W
Price: $3500
Statement: In this two dimensional work I have used optical illusion to explore the three dimensional qualities of the landform of hills, ridges and ranges where I live.
Materials: Cotton, polyester thread.
Techniques: Tornstrip applique, machine quilting.
Photographer: Andrew Sikorski

©2017 Pamela Fitzsimons
68cm H x 132cm W
Price: NFS
Statement: An object buried in soft sand on the floor of a cave waits for the return of...
Materials: Silk and wool..
Techniques: Plant dye, layering, hand stitch.

©2015 Pamela Fitzsimons
135cm H x 138cm W
Price: NFS
Statement: Part of an ongoing series documenting the effects of time and settlement on a fragile landscape.
Materials: Silk organza, wool batting.
Techniques: Plant dye, layering, hand stitch.
Photographers: Pamela Fitzsimons, David Barnes.

©2017 Pat Forster
152cm H x 149cm W
Price: NFS
Statement: Twelve shades of autumn, persimmon, marigold? I’ll choose marigold because the shades and motifs remind me of marigolds in my father’s garden. The motif was inspired by the 7 Dragon fractal at
Materials: Cotton fabric, polyester wadding. Polyester/ cotton sewing thread, no. 5 perle cotton.
Techniques: Hand and machine piecing. Hand applique. Straight line and curved machine quilting. Hand quilting in the ditch around the motifs, curves in big stitch with perle cotton.
Photographer: Jim Forster

©2017 Pat Forster
192cm H x 140cm W
Statement: Black (people), red (earth, ochre), yellow (sun), colours of the flag that Cathy Freeman carried triumphantly on her Sydney Olympic circuit. That action surely engendered new heart amongst Aboriginal Australians. The quilt also recognises the referendum 50 years ago which led to Aboriginal people being included in the Australian census.
Materials: Cotton fabric, wool wadding. Polyester/ cotton sewing thread, no. 5 perle cotton.
Techniques: Hand piecing, hand applique. In the ditch and freemotion machine quilting. Big stitch hand quilting in perle cotton.

©2016 Tara Glastonbury
65cm H x 150cm W
Price: NFS
Statement: What’s your time worth?’ is based on the background pattern of an Australian $50 note and is a meditation on surviving as an artist in a country where the median income for those working on their practice full time is $22,500 per year.
Materials: Yarn-dyed (or shot) cotton fabric for front and backing; one panel overlaid with chiffon; cotton wadding and various cotton and polyester threads for quilting.
Techniques: Machine pieced; hand and machine quilted; textured panels using fabric layering, ripping and reverse appliqué.
Photographer: Billy Rushton

©2017 Alvena Hall
60cm H x 172cm W
Price: NFS
Statement: Under calm seas near the Low Isles a groper rules over a community of corals, fans and fishes, but within the marine garden not all is well: corals pale and fade, bleaching and dying as temperatures rise.
Materials: Whole-cloth with dyes, stencils, photo-transfers, applique and digital embroideries
Techniques: Painted whole cloth, photo transfers, stencils, machine applique, digital embroideries.
Photographer: M. Kluvanek.

©2015 Bronwyn Hill
166cm H x 119cm W
Price: NFS
Statement: “El amor es para siempre” – Love is forever. My aim in creating this work was to produce a quintessential wedding portrait, but incorporating symbolic and aesthetic elements of the Mexican Day of the Dead tradition and the Neotraditional tattoo style.
Materials: Cotton, satin, lace, hessian and tulle.
Techniques: Raw edge appliqué; free motion quilting on domestic sewing machine; hand drawn additions in Inktense Pencils.
Photographer: Mahala Hill.

©2017 Judy Hooworth
126cm H x 164cm W
Price: $3500
Statement: A childhood game... whisper a secret phrase in someone’s ear and they in turn pass it on around a circle... see how it’s changed when the whisper arrives back at the beginning... like China itself... an enigmatic country keeping its ancient secrets... only partially revealed to the traveller in subtly evolving nuances.
Materials: Cotton, 80/20 cotton /polyester batting.
Techniques: Discharge dyed, pieced, machine stitched and quilted.

©2017 Jennifer Horsford
90cm H x 90cm W
Price: $2250
Statement: This quilt features some of my favourite animals and plants from Australia, I have hand painted all of the animals and created the plants from various sewing techniques.
Materials: All cotton with small amounts of netting and beads and acrylic paints.
Techniques: Hand applique holds down all the pieces then quilting gives the quilt life.

©2017 Glad Howard
143cm H x 137cm W
Price: NFS
Statement: The Inside Story, part of a series, is about the fascination of exploring the beauty of everyday man made objects assembled in a new way. The patchwork nature of the lining of men’s tailored jackets creates an interesting basis for the combination of colour line and texture.
Materials: Silky fabric linings and pure new wool.
Techniques: Men’s suit jackets were disassembled and the individual front linings machine quilted reminiscent of an electronic circuit board pattern.The individual units were then butted together and sewn.
Photographer: Bruce Howard.

©2017 Elizabeth Humphreys
100cm H x 92cm W
Price: NFS
Statement: Inspired by walks through the forest near my home and the abundance of wild owers found there in the springtime. Tracings of leaves were collected in my sketch book while travelling around the country by road. I found the interesting piece of hand dyed fabric and purchased it in Deloraine, Tasmania.
Materials: Hand dyed cotton fabric. Wool, silk and cotton threads. Wool blend wadding. Ice dyed cotton backing.
Techniques: Hand embroidery using colonial knots and stem stitch. Free motion machine quilting on a domestic machine. Intense blocks.
Photographer: Pat Forster

@2015 Cathy Jack Coupland
105cm H x 185cm W
Price: $3120
Statement: This work focuses on the 193 destitute girls who were a part of the Newcastle Industrial School from 1867–1871. Spiralling white dresses of varying sizes were used for each girl suggesting their lack of control over their lives. Black ink marks used after quilting represents their anger and frustration.
Materials: Cotton fabric, wool wadding, rayon and polyester threads and black acidfree ink.
Techniques: Traditional quilt construction and hand painted surface.
Photographer: Julie G Photography

© Cherry Johnston
200cm H x 50cm W x 50cm
Statement: Life seems to go round in circles; no two circles are ever the same. Each of these miniature circle quilts has a colourful side and a subdued side, reflecting the variable and complex nature of life. Air currents cause the suspended circles to spin randomly, casting moving shadows.
Materials: Linen shirts, much worn, polyester thread and interfacing.
Techniques: Fused, machine stitched.
Photographer: Josh Wells.

©2017 Yvonne Line
181cm H x 142cm W
Price: $950
Statement: In reflecting the pieces selected by the Museum, it is not my intention to present an exact copy of the original artworks and items but to represent their uniqueness and pay homage to their place in the National Wool Museum’s Collection (Written NWM approval has been given).
Materials: Base wool blanket has been in the family since the early 1950’s. It is believed to be a Government issue, possibly an Army blanket. All remnants and samples, wool, wool blends, net. Tapestry wool with ‘Wool Australian Logo’, cotton and linen and thread. Photo transfers on cotton base.
Techniques: No mending or changes to the base blanket have been made. Surface design: Embellishing machine, hand appliqué, tying. My photographs as pictorial transfers.

©2017 Paula Martin
105cm H x 90cm W
Price: $2100
Statement: Creek, weather, rhythm of the seasons are the source of my collected impressions to reassemble in the studio. The layering action of nature resonates: the image is worked until there is a density and complexity that allows a recognition of something as it happens rather than knowing something in advance..
Materials: Wool, cotton.
Techniques: Applique, stitching, digital print.
Photographer: Greg Somerville.

©2017 Susan Mathews
101cm H x 180cm W
Price: $3500
Statement: For me, banksias invite visual and tactile exploration and this work is part of a large ongoing series. Changing gradually over the last five years since moving to the coast, my palette now seems to express the gratitude and happiness I feel every day for my surroundings.
Materials: Cotton fabrics; procion dye; water soluble fabric printing ink; polyester threads; wool/polyester batting.
Techniques: Procion dyeiing; lino printing; silk screen printing; machine piecing; free motion machine quilting using a domestic sewing machine.

©2017 Janie Mathews
141cm H x 85cm W
Price: $960
Statement: Looking beneath the surface to find hidden aspects. It is something of a leap of faith to invest many hours of hand stitching not really knowing what the final quilt will look like. Recycled fabrics dyed, pieced and stitched to create a quilt which is both old and new.
Materials: Fulled wool top, wool suiting underlayer, cotton backing. Cotton thread, polyester thread.
Techniques: Hand stitch, machine stitch, reverse applique, acid milling dyeing.

©2017 Diane Mattiske
80cm H x 115cm W
Price: $750
Statement: Gathered fallen matter, predominantly eucalyptus leaves, provides the richness of colour featured in this work. Woollen blankets have been repurposed through botanical dyeing by the maker and various resists were utilized to create the individual tiles. Collectively they portray the depth and diversity of working with plant matter.
Materials: 100% wool blankets & yarn, repurposed and new. All materials were hand dyed by the maker using locally sourced, fallen plant matter.
Techniques: Botanical dyeing – compression bundling using resists (both natural and manmade), dye bath – immersion dyeing. Collage. Hand stitching.

©2016 Marie Mitchell
90cm H x 59cm W
Price: NFS
Statement: Our country, our home, our freedom, our lives... most wouldn’t give these up willingly. Persecution, war and violence force refugees to make uncomfortable choices. Packing their belongings in bags and sacks, they begin the dangerous and arduous journey to safety and a new life.
Materials: Hessian, sheer curtain fabric, hand dyed cotton, tulle, thread, oil sticks, Inktense pencils, texta, scrim, hand dyed gauze, fusible web.
Techniques: Wool and some wool/blend on wool blanket with embellishing machine, hand knitted wool samplers using home spun wool and one commercial spun sampler, hand stitched edging. Home dyed with natural plant dyes or left in their natural state.
Photographer: David Mitchell.

©2017 Alison Muir
250cm H x 149cm W
Price: $3750
Statement: Man has explored the Moon, the planets in Earth’s Solar system and outer space but until Man could withstand water pressure at depths the deep oceans were out of bounds. This work draws on my imagination to visualize a World down deep with little sunlight but much life.
Materials: Commercial silk, Tiwi Island silk, cotton, polyester, paper.
Techniques: Shibori, heat set images, lino cut prints, fused applique, machine stitching
Photographer: Andy Payne

KNIT 1 PURL 1 #2 - my current yarn
©2017 Jan Mullen
205cm H x 80.5cm W
Price: $2100
Statement: I grew up making my own clothes. Fabric and yarn were plentiful. Individualism was part of the attraction. Priorities change, time is limited. My lingering blackbased dressmaking fabrics are now stitched together to tell my current (quilted) yarn, whilst quietly, hidden behind, thoughts of knitting fade to grey..
Materials: Woollen fabrics digitally printed linen fabric (back) thread, wooden ‘knitting needle’.
Techniques: digital manipulation of scanned images to create repeats, digital printing on linen, fusing, quilting, knitting needle construction & painting.
Photographer: Bewley Shaylor

©2016 Lois Parish-Evans
112cm H x 78cm W
Price: $950
Statement: The Kangaroo Paw flower is a favourite flower shape, unique and sculptural it sways and dances in the slightest breeze. This is a transitional quilt for me, begun in Australia and completed in New Zealand. It combines the Australian native flower with the variety and complexity of New Zealand greens.
Materials: Cotton, Inktense pencils, fabric colourfast medium.
Techniques: Free machine drawing and quilting, raw edge applique, hand colouring.

©2017 Lois Parish-Evans
122cm H x 120cm W
Price: $1100
Statement: Second of two artworks exploring two sisters who attended the Newcastle Industrial Girls School, 1870. Using paper dolls as a symbol of childhood, and exploring the theme of labels and confusion. Confusion in research information and confusion perhaps experienced by the sisters betrayed by the adults responsible for their care.
Materials: Cotton, calico, ‘aged’ linen, cotton thread, stranded embroidery thread, hessian.
Techniques: Free motion drawing and quilting, hand colouring, hand embroidery.

©2017 Marianne Penberthy
105.5cm H x 34cm W
Statement: She walked in silence crossing over others paths knowing she left a temporary trace of her own.
Materials: Gauze and tannic dye.
Techniques: Shibori dyeing, machine stitch.

©2017 Sue Reid
160cm H x 141cm W
Expressions Wool Quilt Prize 2017:
Acquired by the National Wool Museum
Statement: Every finger print is unique just as the art of Gustav Klimt is unique leaving an imprint for us which only he could leave.
Materials: 100% wool fabric top, 100% wool batting, wool blend backing, metallic thread, fabric paint and wool quilting thread.
Techniques: Whole cloth painted quilt, hand wool embroidery, wool thread and metallic thread quilting.

©2017 Lorraine Rogers
80cm H x 75cm W
Price: NFS
Statement: Inspiration came from a photograph of my son holding the Snapper. Living in Altona I am surrounded by beach, lake and wetlands giving me a rich tapestry of nature to work from. Using filters in photoshop I enhance and change my image into a digital painting which becomes my pattern.
Materials: Handdyed fabrics, silks , sheers, recycled clothing, cheesecloth, oil paintstiks, Tsukineko inks and Intense pencils to enhance detailed areas.
Techniques: The background consists of layers of raw edged materials overlayed with cheesecloth in the foreground to create the crest of the waves and layers of coloured tulle for lines in the horizon. Appliques are fused and machine stitched. A standard stationary sewing machine was used for these processes including quilting.

©2017 Jill Rumble
140cm H x 90cm W
Price: $480
Statement: Inspired by a quote from Peter Mulvey “and the leaves were telling secrets to the wind” had me wondering if that was possible. Made from my photos that I have taken, the sheer fabric allows the piece to move as if the leaves were telling secrets.
Materials: Synthetic fabric, Polyester & Cotton threads, paper.
Techniques: Paper lamination & machine stitching.

©2017 Jill Rumble
180cm H x 26cm W
Price: $380
Statement: An abstracted version of a bush walk. Trees, shrubs, grasses, rocks, cliff faces, streams, sun and shade. Enjoy your walk.
Materials: Cotton fabric and batting, wool, synthetic & silk pieces.
Techniques: Applique and hand stitching.

©2016 Alison Schwabe
120cm H x 90cm W
Price: $3000
Statement: The most instinctive marks a human hand will make include the circle and crossed lines. Prehistoric precious metal objects frequently display symbolic expressions such as crossed wheels representing infinity, eternity and cyclic movement. Such basic symbols live on in all the modern world’s art media.
Materials: Commercial and hand printed cottons, wool polyester batting, polyester thread.
Techniques: Tearing, fusing, one step machine applique and quilting.
Photographer: Eduardo Baldizan.

©2016 Norma Slabbert
193cm H x 114cm W
Price: $950
Statement: While we stitch, people flee their homes – trudging over deserts, highways, byways, fields, and farm lands to find closed borders..
Materials: Japanese woven cotton fabric, batik fabric, commercial cotton, Steama-seam fusible web, batting, Mettler thread, Wonderfil thread.
Techniques: Machine pieced and quilted, fused, hand stitched.

©2017 Brenda Gael Smith
Price: NFS
Statement: Orange gum blossoms exude sheer energy with their chartreuse centres attracting bees from all around the neighbourhood.
Materials: Cottons hand-dyed by the artist. Wool-poly batting.
Techniques: Freeform piecing. Machine quilting.

©2017 Greg Somerville
87cm H x 70cm W
Price: $2500
Statement: I aspire to communicate my delight in complexity: My imagery is grounded in the patterns and textures of the bioregion in which I live and informed by my knowledge of biological structures, the energies and relationships found in ecosystems.
Materials: Cotton, wool batting.
Techniques: Digital print from an ink and pencil drawing. Quilted on many layers of wool blanket.

©2017 Carol Sonogan
125cm H x 200cm W
Price: $1800
Statement: A journal quilt of impressions, images and items found along my favourite country walk on one day each season over one year from home to the old wooden bridge and back. The increasing impact of human habitation on the landscape has been undeniable and disturbing.
Materials: Ecodyed and recycled fabrics and string, mud, moss and plant materials, wool, silk, silk paper, silk dyes, stabiliser, soluble web and vliesofix, melted plastic, acrylic paints, dye pens and found objects including coloured baling twine, paper packaging, spent shotgun cartridges, plastic netting, hazard tape and rubber tyre fragments.
Techniques: Ecodyeing, ecoprint, monoprint, linocut, inkjet printing, silk paper making, silk painting, heat gun, hand and machine applique, hand and machine stitch, sketch and collage.
Photographer: Marc Bongers

©2017 Carolyn Sullivan
95cm H x 126cm W
Statement: The quilt is an appreciation of the vast expanses of grasses across Australia.
Materials: Wool and cotton cloth; wool and cotton thread.
Techniques: Needle-felting, machine and hand stitching; applique; plant-dyed, commercial dyes.
Photographer: Andrew Sikorski

©2017 Carolyn Sullivan
94cm H x 153cm W
Statement: A collection of many of the images I have used in my quiltmaking always reflecting my love of the land.
Materials: Linen, cotton, wool cloth. Cotton thread.
Techniques: Plant dyeing; batik; direct printing from leaves and feathers; machine and hand stitching.
Photographer: Andrew Sikorski

©2015 Deborah Weir
112cm H x 91cm H
Price: $1200
Statement: From the airplane window while flying from Darwin to Adelaide this was the view: a former sea floor recreated as undulating hills of the Outback in all the colours earth can be.
Materials: Cottons.
Techniques: Dyed, printed, hand cut, hand stitched.

©2017 Louise Wells
91cm H x 61cm W
Price: $1200
Statement: Late in the afternoon, as the sun dips down, the golden light still glows as the sky gradually darkens to a deep indigo. Such a lovely time of day.
Materials: Silks, polyester satin, felt, polyester thread, print paste.
Techniques: Print, machine stitch, cut away technique.
Photographer: Josh Wells

©2017 Alison Withers
208cm H x 86cm W
Price: $1500
Statement: In the southern Grampians buried in the bush at the bottom of Signal Peak are stacks of sandstone rocks, formed by sediments from an ancient ocean shoreline now exposed and weathering. These towers of rocks are one of nature’s playgrounds asking to be climbed, crawled through and jumped across.
Materials: Commercial and hand printed cottons, wool polyester batting, polyester thread.
Techniques: piecing and applique, block printing.

©2017 Rebecca Wolske
85cm H x 65cm W
Price: $5500
Statement: The front door was so neglected that there were no floor boards in front of it, just weeds defiantly growing up, trying to devour the space. The Old verandas oor and wall boards disintegrating and rotting away, the roof was a glorious corrugated burgundy rust.
Materials: Cotton fabric, hand dyed fabrics, Wool, Synthetic braid, Organza, Lace, Metallic material, Sequin, Fabric Paint, fabric pencils, thread.
Techniques: Raw edge applique, Fussy cutting, messy cutting, fabric painting, thread painting, confetti fabric creation.
ART QUILT AUSTRALIA 2017 features artwork by the following 42 artists:
June Brown
Sandra Champion
Carolyn Collins
Ruth de Vos
Sue Dennis
Heidi Drahota
Dianne Firth
Pamela Fitzsimons
Pat Forster
Tara Glastonbury
Alvena Hall
Bronwyn Hill
Judy Hooworth
Glad Howard
Elizabeth Humphreys
Cathy Jack Coupland
Cherry Johnston
Yvonne Line
Paula Martin
Susan Mathews
Janie Matthews
Diane Mattiske
Marie Mitchell
Alison Muir
Jan Mullen
Lois Parish-Evans
Sue Reid
Lorraine Rogers
Jill Rumble
Alison Schwabe
Norma Slabbert
Brenda Gael Smith
Greg Somerville
Carol Sonogan
Carolyn Sullivan
Deborah Weir
Louise Wells
Alison Withers
Rebecca Wolske
Here are some installation photos from Yarra Ranges Regional Museum.

Hanging: Cherry Johnston, Jill Rumble, Jan Mullen