Art Quilt Australia 2023, including Expressions: The Wool Quilt Prize, opens this week! This striking collection of contemporary quilt textiles will be on exhibition at the National Wool Museum, Geelong, Victoria, from 12 August until 12 November. Opening hours 10am to 5pm daily.
Today we preview two works by Cindy Watkins of Deloraine, Tasmania. Helena and the Moon features the Helena Gum Moth, also known as the Helena Emperor moth, that is found in Tasmania and other Eastern parts of Australia.They can be found in woodland areas and bushland with eucalypt trees. As caterpillars, they feed mainly on eucalypt leaves.
The Silent Web is a wool quilt:
The amazing silent language of trees has become a fascination for me. The tangled roots sometimes visible but mostly hidden below ground are communicating and nurturing the tress above. Its is a web of life and wisdom with vast and intricate connection to many living things.
View more of Cindy’s artwork at:
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